Marvellous Anthony

Creating worlds in words.

The times, they are a-changing

The sands of time shift, an upheaval of the old days
Look forward, friend, the path forks away from the old ways
Oh aye! The new ways are strange, but brother, it would be ours.
So let it rise, your heart, come with us, lend the times your power.
Come, journey in these uncharted seas with us,
Come, let us rush into these raging fords.

Wait no more, brother, a new sun rises in the clearing skies
The mystery of the unknown calls, can you not hear its sweet cries?
Come, let us become like the ancient men of lore,
Ancient and mighty in a new age, we shall leave the world in awe.
We shall possess all the world and not occupy a single plot,
We shall be among the stars, laughing as men try to figure us out.


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